Amanda Daniels

The following articles were written by Amanda Daniels

Contributing Author

Amanda Daniels is the voice behind the brand Addict Chick and the Director of Social Media for Amethyst Recovery Center.  She is a best selling author and recovering drug addict. Check out her website, or you can follow her on Facebook or Instagram.
COVID-19 Preventative Measures

COVID-19 Preventative Measures

The Freedom Center continues to provide essential substance use disorder services for individuals impacted by addiction during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We are currently accepting patients for our Partial Hospitalization Program with 24 Hour...

Dependence vs. Addiction 

Dependence vs. Addiction 

To many individuals, addiction and dependence may seem interchangeable; this, however, is far from the truth. The difference is somewhat tricky to comprehend because some define the two differently or completely disregard them concerning substance use disorder....

How to Ask for Help

How to Ask for Help

According to recent studies, over 23.5 million Americans struggle with some type of substance use disorder (SUD). These individuals need help, whether it be to talk to someone or to receive professional, evidence-based treatment approaches at an addiction...

5 Tips for Maintaining Long-Term Recovery

5 Tips for Maintaining Long-Term Recovery

Just because you’ve completed an addiction treatment program, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll never drink or use drugs again. Many addiction experts agree that addiction is not curable, but it is treatable with the right resources and skills. With the right...

Why Do We Sabotage Our Recovery

Why Do We Sabotage Our Recovery

Did you know that 40% to 60% of addicts who complete rehab will relapse? An even more significant portion of these individuals won’t finish rehab because they’ll sabotage themselves before they’re able to succeed.  One of the biggest obstacles between recovery and you...

What Is Dual Diagnosis?

What Is Dual Diagnosis?

Many substance abusers also struggle with a co-occurring mental health disorder. This is known as a dual diagnosis and will require specialized treatment. Dual diagnosis is a common term that you’ll often hear in the addiction industry. According to the National...

You Got Clean, Now What?

You Got Clean, Now What?

Despite the fact that millions upon millions will face addiction sometime in their lives, only a fraction (about 10%) will ever seek addiction treatment. Among this fraction, only a certain percentage will successfully complete rehab and be clean.  Many people are...

National Drug Take Back Day

National Drug Take Back Day

National Drug Take Back Day will be held April 27th, 2019, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time. Law enforcement will pair up with local communities to take back prescription drugs to ensure their safe disposal. Held each spring and fall, this take back day offers any...

Drug Overdose Signs

Drug Overdose Signs

Dabbling with drugs is risky business. One of the most dire consequences is the possibility of overdosing. All substances are capable of causing toxic-level build up in the body that accumulates faster than the body can process it out. Things quickly go south once the...

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Our admissions coordinators are available 24/7.
(888) 530-5023