Addiction is a family disease that reaches spouses, parents, siblings, and most of all, their children. The impact of a loved one's drug or alcohol abuse can be felt far beyond the individual using drugs. Addiction can affect finances, lead to violence or other...
Amanda Daniels
The following articles were written by Amanda Daniels
Contributing Author
Is Addiction Hereditary?
It wasn't until the turn of the 20th century that addiction was seen as a disease rather than a moral flaw. Now, in the 21st century, the way we think about addiction is changing yet again. Recent scientific findings have revealed that genetics can play a significant...
How To Have A Sober First Date
First dates can conjure up all kinds of feelings. From being unbelievably excited to feeling nervous and uncertain, these dating anxieties can feel even worse if you're doing this while trying to stay sober. Here are some tips to help a recovering alcoholic get back...
How Do You Celebrate New Years Eve Without Alcohol?
New Year's Eve is a time to celebrate the past and welcome the future. While you may be gearing up to have a good time with your loved ones, this time of year can be challenging if you're committed to not drinking. As this holiday is synonymous with popping champagne...
Help! My Spouse is a Drug Addict
On the day that you vowed to love your partner for better or for worse, you likely envisioned a bright future full of possibilities and happiness. Now, however, you know that the person that you should be able to rely on the most in the world is also a drug addict....
First Sober Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time for great joy. We get together with loved ones and celebrate the holiday and everything it represents. Families gather to cook, watch football, and share traditions that have been passed down for generations. We catch up with friends we haven’t...
Loving a Drug Addict
There is nothing more painful than watching drugs turn somebody you love, into somebody you don’t even know. Addiction is a family disease, it affects everybody involved. It’s isolating for both the addict and the family. While the addicted is preoccupied with...
Dogs and Recovery
It’s pretty clear that as a nation we are obsessed with our pups. All you need to do is scroll through Facebook and you will see photos of our furry friends everywhere. There are even Instagram accounts with millions of followers dedicated to our four-legged buddies....
The 27 Club: Tragic Stories of Addiction
Music buffs are likely familiar with the 27 Club. Rather than an actual “club,” this name refers to the belief that a statistically abnormal number of musicians die at the age of 27. In many cases, their death relates to substance abuse. Some cases also involve...
Dealing With The Financial Wreckage After Addiction
It costs a lot of money to fund a drug habit. Unfortunately, the destructive nature of drug addiction drastically alters our priorities, making it difficult to find or keep a job and otherwise sabotaging any potential means of income. Addicted persons quickly find...