Substance abuse is no respecter of innocent people. Many children throughout the United States grow up in a household where addiction is present; the number is somewhere close to 25 percent of American kids. That’s 18 million children throughout the United States that...
Nick B.
The following articles were written by Nick B.
Contributing Author
Teen Substance Abuse: A Guide for Understanding Addiction In Your Teen
Depressing as it may seem, some young people suffer from substance abuse. Nobody is safe from the potential grip of addiction, and this is why it is so important to not only recognize the signs of a substance use disorder but also to understand that their circumstance...
What To Do As The Spouse of An Addict
Substance abuse is very complicated; there’s nothing average about it. A vast amount of users deal with various life circumstances and need the care to cater to their unique needs. In other words, no one person’s experiences with substance abuse are exactly...
Relapse Prevention Guide
Addiction is hard. The stigma of shame that comes along with it is real, and while finding the right treatment is one of the most difficult steps to take towards recovery is the possibility of relapse. Many feel as though they are weak in the recovery process, and...
Is Drug Addiction a Disability?
A complex and multifactorial disorder, drug addiction can make it difficult—if not impossible—for individuals to fulfill the basic duties of day-to-day life. While the damage caused to the body and brain has caused this affliction to be categorized as a disease, it...
What Is Sobriety?
Sobriety is often referred to as the ultimate goal in drug and alcohol addiction treatment what is the sobriety meaning? As frequently as it’s used in addiction treatment jargon, there’s a good chance that it doesn’t mean what you think. Yes, that means that the way...
The Benefits Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction
Each addiction treatment program takes a slightly different approach to recovery. Some take a more holistic approach, whereas others primarily focus on medication management options. Yet, nearly every recovery program offers and encourages the use of one treatment,...
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Prescription pill abuse is a crucial public health and safety concern. It’s estimated that over 20 million Americans have abused a prescription drug in 2023 alone. How has this problem gotten so out of hand? Numerous studies show that prescription drug abuse first...
What Does Cocaine Do To Your Body
You might know cocaine makes you feel, but you probably aren’t aware of the full scale of what cocaine does to your body. The surge of confidence, alertness, and energy caused by this powerful stimulant comes at a steep price--one that your heart, lungs, brain, nose,...
What Happens When You Drink Alcohol Everyday?
A little bit of something every day can’t hurt...or can it? What happens when you drink alcohol every day can be just as harmful as bingeing. Even just a single standard drink can have serious ramifications on your overall health. The impact starts small, but can...