Addiction Resources Blog

Can You Continue To Work While Attending IOP at The Freedom Center?

Can You Continue To Work While Attending IOP at The Freedom Center?

One of the top reasons why many people who are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction choose to attend an Intensive Outpatient Program (or IOP) at The Freedom Center is the fact that they can continue to work during the day, attending classes at night (or vice-versa if working night shift). IOP is also a fantastic option for those people caught in the grips of addiction who have children that need to be attended to, as there is no requirement to stay overnight in a residential treatment center or rehab. A steady job/paycheck and satisfaction in your career is not only empowering but also essential for your success in the outside world.

What Is The Cost Of Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

What Is The Cost Of Intensive Outpatient Treatment?

The cost of intensive outpatient treatment for drug and alcohol addiction varies from program to program and can depend on what type of insurance you, or your family member, are covered under. In general the cost of IOP treatment is cheaper and more cost-effective than traditional inpatient or residential addiction treatment options. One of the reasons why it can be more affordable is because the patient can continue to work during the day and is not required to stay overnight at an IOP treatment center.

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