Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Frederick, MD

Drug & Alcohol Programs Provide Hope in the Face of Addiction

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the death rate in Maryland has been above the national average for over 15 years. Getting help in an outpatient rehab facility can be the solution to this rising statistic.

Going to outpatient addiction rehabilitation has many benefits, including:

  • The freedom to get therapy while still following a daily routine
  • New support system
  • A safe place to go
  • Recovering from substance abuse and addiction

Drug, Alcohol and Treatment Resources in Frederick, MD

As you search for treatment centers for substance abuse in Frederick, every website available will give you about 30 to 40 options nearby, and some of these are actually featured repeatedly on all of the lists. That being said, amongst the programs available, there is a great variety of possibilities ranging from intensive outpatient programs to counseling centers. 

Unlike bigger cities like Baltimore, there aren’t many centers that specialize in certain kinds of needs, such as perinatal treatments, for example. But that does not mean that it is not possible to get help around Frederick. There is no shortage of services available, and users who need help that’s close to their home can start programs, go to recovery meetings, and find support nearby.

Should there be a more specific problem, however, help will not be far away. Major cities like Baltimore and Washington have programs that provide more specialized services. Nonetheless, looking into options in smaller cities like Gaithersburg or Rockville that might be closer could make it even easier.

Frederick, MD Drug Abuse Statistics – You’re Not Alone in This Struggle

Like a lot of other cities in the state of Maryland, opiate addiction has been an ongoing problem in Frederick, and numbers have gone up drastically since 2016. Up until 2017, alcohol was still considered the most abused substance in the whole county, as hospitals such as Frederick Memorial Hospital reported thousands of alcohol-visits a year since at least 2013. However, it has not been the main killer in the past few years.

When it comes to lethal cases, fentanyl-related deaths have been registered across the entire state, and Frederick has not been immune to its rise in popularity and the opioid crisis. While prescription opioids have not been the major culprit, fentanyl killed more than ever by 2018, with heroin coming in second place, almost tying with cocaine.

Lifestyle and genetics (especially if there is a history of psychiatric disorders and addiction) can also come into play and affect your chances of becoming an addict eventually. Even without a history of addiction, it’s been reported that most people who suffer from another mental disorder also struggle with addiction – 60% of addicts surveyed in the past have also said they were diagnosed with a psychiatric illness.

For the entire state of Maryland, the group demographic that seems most at risk of overdose or deaths by intoxication are white males. Age-wise, drugs have been abused to lethal levels by young adults, from 25-34, increasingly more often, but deaths reported have most often involved users from the age of 45 and up.

Frederick, MD Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meeting List

The community in Frederick has put in a lot of effort to raise awareness on important issues related to addiction and substance abuse. Annual vigils can be easily found in the city’s schedule as civilians come together to support each other while bringing attention to the issue. Another helpful initiative is sober houses, made to help those overcoming their addiction have an easier transition into a healthy lifestyle.

Are you new to the area and looking for an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Frederick? We have you covered, below is a list of the meetings happening now (updated 1/19). If you need more information, be sure to check out the contact information for District 41 Intergroup.

View Mondays Meeting List

View Tuesdays Meeting List

View Wednesdays Meeting List

View Thursdays Meeting List

View Fridays Meeting List

View Saturdays Meeting List

View Sundays Meeting List

Intergroup Contact Information

Intergroup Contact Information

Intergroup for Frederick, MD

New Address:

The Federated Charities Bldg.

22 S. Market St., Suite 7

Frederick MD, 21701

24-hr Hotline: 301-662-0544

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting List

Frederick, MD Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meeting List

Don’t go at it alone! Find a local NA meeting on the list below. If you need more help, contact us directly or see the information for the Chesapeake & Potomac Region Narcotics Anonymous.

Frederick, MD Recovery Meetings Near You

  • Frederick Presbyterian Church, 115 W. 2nd St., Frederick, MD, 21701 (AA)
  • The Frederick Club, 205-B Bucheimer Rd., Frederick, MD, 21701 (AA)
  • Unity Church in Frederick, 5112 Pegasus Ct., Suite E, 11th Step, Frederick, MD, 21701 (AA)
  • Old Trinity Chapel, 10 W. Church St., 2nd Floor, Frederick, MD, 21701 (NA, AA)
  • All Saints Episcopal Church, 106 W. Church Street, Frederick, MD, 21701 (NA)
  • Frederick Community Center, 100 S Market St, Frederick, MD 21701 (NA)
  • Clara D Harris Community Room, 111 Pennsylvania Avenue, Frederick, MD, 21701 (NA)

View Sundays Meeting List

View Mondays Meeting List

View Tuesdays Meeting List

View Wednesdays Meeting List

View Thursdays Meeting LIst

View Fridays Meeting List

View Saturdays Meeting List

More Information for Frederick, MD Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous Chesapeake & Potomac Region


PO Box 8160

Silver Spring, MD 20907

Phoneline: 1-800-543-4670

Call Us to Begin One of Our Addiction Programs

There are various ways to become clean sober in a rehab facility. The Freedom Center focuses mainly on outpatient treatment. We have addiction specialists on duty 24/7 that can answer any questions you may have about starting a program.

We can help you figure out what works for you. Call us at (888) 291-4362 or enter your phone number on our website and we can get back to you.

Directions from Frederick to Our Rehab Facility

The Freedom Center is not far from the beautiful, quaint town of Frederick, being:

  • 37 minutes away
  • 24.5 miles away

This drive can take more or less time, based on the time of day treatment is scheduled. The area between the two towns has very beautiful scenery so that outpatient patients can go hiking together with their support groups.

We Take Insurance from Major Providers

We understand that expenses can be a concern and source of stress. If you are seeking help for alcohol or drug addiction, we want you to be able to get the help you need.

The Freedom Center accepts many popular insurance plans and is very adaptable to helping people make an affordable plan for their addiction recovery.

Types of Substance Abuse Rehabs

Before choosing your addiction treatment plan, you should know about the various kinds of outpatient rehabilitation.

There are different kinds of choices for different people. Regardless of what you choose, outpatient treatment is very flexible with time.

Intensive Outpatient Program

An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) provides weekly care for patients recovering from addictions. IOPs assist addiction recovery in a number of ways.

Some IOP’s have patients that come in for therapy or go on group excursions. These excursions are both fun and therapeutic as well as community building.

There are also educational sessions inside the rehab facility that teach addicts a variety of lessons that help with relapse prevention and positive mental health.

The Freedom Center Offers:

  • Process Group
  • Family Therapy
  • Psychiatric and Medical Support
  • Exercise and Nutrition
  • Legal Advising
  • Vocational Skills

For more information on these treatment programs, check out our website here.

The Aftercare Program

The Freedom Center aftercare program provides daily therapy for recovering addicts so that they stay on the right track as they go through busy lives.

For people with families and busy work schedules, this is an amazing option for you because it is extremely time-sensitive.

If you are unable to commit to inpatient treatment, you will find a lot of support in aftercare since it is every day.

Inpatient Vs. Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Frederick, MD

In Frederick, there are many options to pick from for both inpatient and outpatient treatments as well – albeit outpatient programs do seem to be more accessible and the most common alternative. Besides those two kinds of settings, there are also other possible choices, such as partial hospitalizationintensive outpatient programs, and the list goes on.

Mental Health Services in Frederick, MD

Mental health affects not just the mind, but the chemicals and nervous system in the body, and therefore, it needs to be taken care of so that one can truly be free from addiction. It is crucial to not just treat it during rehabilitation but to constantly be mindful of your mental health. The city of Frederick has over 60 psychiatrists listed just on Psychology Today, and dozens of facilities for assessment and treatment available on the Behavioral Health System page for Baltimore.

As previously mentioned, dual-diagnosis cases are not rare and tend to happen more often than single-diagnose ones. For that and other reasons, caring for your mental health is a way to prevent addiction, treat addiction, and avoid relapses. 

Getting Help in Frederick, MD: How to Choose the Right Facility

There are a few factors to consider as you pick which facility is right for you in Frederick. The aspects of the treatment that you should first look into are service setting, duration, and “approach” or philosophy. Would you need inpatient, partial, or outpatient treatment? Should it be a one-month long program or would it have to last longer? What kind of mindset do you feel would fit most with your lifestyle and priorities?

And last but not least, it is important to know your payment options. While insurance plans are obligated to cover essential health benefits (which include mental and behavioral health services), some plans might not cover everything, like Medicaid or Medicare. However, there are grants, payment plans, loans, and even the option of paying by credit card, even if you need to do so out of pocket.

Get Clean With Alcohol Rehab and A.A. Support

Outpatient alcohol rehab is a popular and effective kind of treatment for those who struggle with alcohol addiction. The Freedom Center commonly uses the Alcoholics Anonymous program, which follows the 12 Steps.

Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by a past alcoholic named Bill Wilson in 1935. A study on the effectiveness of AA says “rates of abstinence are about twice as high among those who attend AA.”

The 12 step program is used in group meetings that are made to build a supportive community. Each step is a small goal that, when met, brings alcoholics close to staying clean and sober.

These meetings are for past or recovering alcoholics. There are even meetings for family members who need help supporting their loved one.

Drug Rehab and N.A. Resources

Outpatient drug rehab follows a similar pattern. After seeing the success of Alcoholics Anonymous, James Kinnon founded Narcotics Anonymous.

Narcotics are considered to be anything-legal or prescription-that alters the functioning of the brain. Drug addiction is almost always related to narcotics.

NA uses the same 12 step program and anonymous meetings to build a supportive community for past or recovering drug addicts.

Local Addiction Recovery Resources for Frederick, MD

West Central Intergroup of Maryland

Frederick Memorial Hospital

Mary Held James, M.D.

Frederick City Police

There’s Help For Anyone Who Needs It

No matter what your situation is, there is hope and there is help available, and it doesn’t have to be difficult. Visit our website and contact us today – we’ll answer all your questions and provide all the information you need to start letting go of your addiction and to become a healthier you.

A Life Free From Addiction Is Possible

Our admissions coordinators are available 24/7.
(888) 530-5023