12 Steps

The 12 Steps of Recovery are the cornerstone of Alcoholics Anonymous & Narcotics Anonymous. Learn all about how 12 step programs can help you overcome your substance use disorder or addiction.

What If a 12-Steps Program Doesn’t Work?

What If a 12-Steps Program Doesn’t Work?

The “12-Steps Program” is based on literature initially published by Alcoholics Anonymous to help people quit alcohol. While they’re not considered official treatment, attending 12-Step meetings can significantly impact the quest for long-term recovery. However, for...

A Deeper Look at Alcoholics Anonymous Step One

A Deeper Look at Alcoholics Anonymous Step One

Welcome to the first of the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. These steps provide structure in a peer-based setting to individuals who want to stop drinking alcohol. Individuals will work their way through, learning about themselves and adjusting on the way they...

Higher Power for Atheists and Agnostics: 6 Alternatives to God

Higher Power for Atheists and Agnostics: 6 Alternatives to God

Newcomers to addiction recovery are often taken aback by the frequent mention of God or other aspects of faith (such as prayer). Many rehabs are centered around 12 step-based treatment programs, which can have a heavy emphasis on religions references. Understandably,...

A History of Alcoholics Anonymous & The 12 Steps

A History of Alcoholics Anonymous & The 12 Steps

Twelve-step programs were created and popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous which was founded in 1935. Nearly 100 years later, the 12 steps are still widely used to treat substance abuse. In addition to being immensely popular, the twelve steps have been hugely...

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