
Alcohol use disorders are one of the most common substance use disorders in the United States, but recovery is possible with proper help.

The Medical vs. Social Definition of Alcoholism

The Medical vs. Social Definition of Alcoholism

We hear the term alcoholism being thrown around all the time. However, what some people call alcoholism isn’t necessarily what being an alcoholic means. Known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), it describes a chronic disorder in which a person’s capacity to cease or...

Dry Drunk Syndrome

Dry Drunk Syndrome

Recovering from alcohol addiction can be a long and challenging, but extremely rewarding experience for those who are strong and dedicated to getting better. The decision to stop drinking is an honorable first step. However, there is a significant mental and emotional...

Alcohol and Anger: Why Do I Get Aggressive When I Drink?

Alcohol and Anger: Why Do I Get Aggressive When I Drink?

Angry drunks—we all know this type. The kind of drinker that always seems to be looking for trouble. All it takes is a few drinks before fights are instigated or hurtful things said over the tiniest misperceived look or gesture. Before our eyes, they transform from a...

The 3 Biggest Ways That Alcohol Causes Weight Gain

The 3 Biggest Ways That Alcohol Causes Weight Gain

Unhappy with the number on the scale? The culprit might not be what’s on your plate, but rather, what’s in your cup. Alcohol is a nutritionless calorie bomb packed with carbs and sugar. Beer and wine have about 150 calories a serving. Hard liquors like gin vodka, and...

Alcohol & Hearing Loss: How Alcohol Affects Your Hearing

Alcohol & Hearing Loss: How Alcohol Affects Your Hearing

It’s well known that drinking can cause balance issues and dizziness. But did you know that this is caused by alcohol’s impact on your ears rather than your brain? Yes, in case you hadn’t already heard, alcohol can wreak havoc on your hearing organs. This is why...

Secrets of High Functioning Alcoholism

Secrets of High Functioning Alcoholism

When you think about what an alcoholic looks like, you may think of the homeless man on the corner of the street or the loud and crude woman who frequents the local bar. Perhaps you think of your own parent, sibling, or child. The reality is that an alcoholic doesn’t...

Alcohol, PTSD Triggers & The Body’s Stress Response

Alcohol, PTSD Triggers & The Body’s Stress Response

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a severe mental illness when the brain relives traumatic experiences resulting in intense bouts of fear, anger, or other negative emotions (which can also cause immense physical distress). These instances are called flashbacks. Though...

What Happens When You Drink Alcohol Everyday?

What Happens When You Drink Alcohol Everyday?

A little bit of something every day can’t hurt...or can it? What happens when you drink alcohol every day can be just as harmful as bingeing. Even just a single standard drink can have serious ramifications on your overall health. The impact starts small, but can...

The Connection Between Stress & Alcoholism

The Connection Between Stress & Alcoholism

April is both Stress Awareness Month and Alcohol Awareness Month--and it’s no accident. The connection between stress and alcoholism has long been recognized by scientists and medical experts although discoveries continue to be made. In this article, we’ll explore how...

What You Should Know About Alcoholic Hepatitis

What You Should Know About Alcoholic Hepatitis

Alcohol hepatitis, also known as alcoholic liver disease (ALD), is one of the three types of liver disease caused by drinking. It’s one of the most severe types of alcohol-induced liver damage and caused over 24,000 deaths in 2019. This condition often precedes...

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