At Risk Populations

5 Possible Causes of Addiction

5 Possible Causes of Addiction

There is an abundance of possible reasons why one person may develop an addiction and another person wouldn’t. Addiction may seem like it comes out of nowhere, but there is usually a cause or reason behind its development. The root cause of addiction can vary...

5 Most Common Drugs Prescribed to Elderly People

5 Most Common Drugs Prescribed to Elderly People

Nearly seven in ten adults ages 45 and older use at least one prescription medication. Some of the most commonly used drug types in the United States include antidepressants, analgesics, antidiabetics, and beta-blockers. Read on to learn about the most common drugs...

College Binge Drinking: A Back to School Warning

College Binge Drinking: A Back to School Warning

Compared to all other age groups, binge drinking is most common amongst young people. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than half of full-time college students said they drank alcohol in the past month—including those that were...

Resources for College Students

Resources for College Students

Addiction is no respecter of people, and this is especially true for college students. College is a difficult transition for many students throughout the United States and adding addiction on top of that complicates things even further, but this doesn’t mean that...

A Life Free From Addiction Is Possible

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