At Risk Populations

Is Drug Addiction a Disability?

Is Drug Addiction a Disability?

A complex and multifactorial disorder, drug addiction can make it difficult—if not impossible—for individuals to fulfill the basic duties of day-to-day life. While the damage caused to the body and brain has caused this affliction to be categorized as a disease, it...

Veterans and Substance Abuse Disorders: Stats & More

Veterans and Substance Abuse Disorders: Stats & More

Substance abuse has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and the country’s military veterans are no exception to its prevalence. Rates are low amongst active military who face strict zero-tolerance policies and even prosecution for engaging in drug use...

Signs and Risk Factors of Suicide

Signs and Risk Factors of Suicide

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in our Country. Depression is the most common condition associated with suicide but it is often undiagnosed. Though suicidal thoughts aren’t always easy to detect, learning how to identify the signs of suicide may save a...

The 27 Club: Tragic Stories of Addiction

The 27 Club: Tragic Stories of Addiction

Music buffs are likely familiar with the 27 Club. Rather than an actual “club,” this name refers to the belief that a statistically abnormal number of musicians die at the age of 27. In many cases, their death relates to substance abuse. Some cases also involve...

A Life Free From Addiction Is Possible

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