Family Recovery

What To Do As The Spouse of An Addict

What To Do As The Spouse of An Addict

Substance abuse is very complicated; there’s nothing average about it. A vast amount of users deal with various life circumstances and need the care to cater to their unique needs. In other words, no one person’s experiences with substance abuse are exactly...

The Codependent Behaviors I Have Tried to Leave Behind

The Codependent Behaviors I Have Tried to Leave Behind

4 Recovery Don'ts for Loved Ones of an Addict The hardest lesson I ever had to learn is that, unlike a new home or clothes or a car, when someone needs recovery, no one else can get it for them. The addict has to find it for themselves and we must avoid codependent...

Our Favorite Books About Codependency

Our Favorite Books About Codependency

Codependency and drug addiction are closely correlated to one another. Codependence is defined as a physical, psychological, or emotional reliance on a dysfunctional relationship, usually involving the care of a person with an illness or addiction. At its root,...

Talking To Your Children About Addiction

Talking To Your Children About Addiction

Addiction is a family disease that reaches spouses, parents, siblings, and most of all, their children. The impact of a loved one's drug or alcohol abuse can be felt far beyond the individual using drugs. Addiction can affect finances, lead to violence or other...

Is Addiction Hereditary?

Is Addiction Hereditary?

It wasn't until the turn of the 20th century that addiction was seen as a disease rather than a moral flaw. Now, in the 21st century, the way we think about addiction is changing yet again. Recent scientific findings have revealed that genetics can play a significant...

Help! My Spouse is a Drug Addict

Help! My Spouse is a Drug Addict

On the day that you vowed to love your partner for better or for worse, you likely envisioned a bright future full of possibilities and happiness. Now, however, you know that the person that you should be able to rely on the most in the world is also a drug addict....

Loving a Drug Addict

Loving a Drug Addict

There is nothing more painful than watching drugs turn somebody you love, into somebody you don’t even know. Addiction is a family disease, it affects everybody involved. It’s isolating for both the addict and the family. While the addicted is preoccupied with...

A Life Free From Addiction Is Possible

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